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Question:i love anne of green gables!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i love anne of green gables!

les mis and blood brothers both very dramatic,sad funny and nomatter how many times i;ve seen the shows they still in a way move me and i just want to keep going back to she the shows which i do and for me both shows have some beautiful haunting music especialy 'tell me it's not true 'from blood brothers and i love 'do you hear the people sing' from les mis

i didnt see it but i am going to really soon, but i would have to say WICKED!! i love the song popular from it

I really liked Evita. I think the songs really captured the emotions of patriotism, bravery, etc.

Then again, Sound of Music was also a legend.
It had everything - history, culture, beautiful songs, great singing, etc. I would say it had more unforgettable songs than any other musical ever. Songs like Adel weis, Sound of Music, Doe-a-dear, etc are still in people's minds.

My Fair Lady
The King and I
Jesus Christ Superstar
(In that order)

The Music Man. It plays well right up to today.

I love practically every musical ever made! Check my name... ^_^

there are a few though that are just down right stupid and wrong. But it really depends on what your point of view is.

Some of my top favorites would be

Fiddler on the Roof
Phantom of the Opera
Beauty and the Beast
Lion King
Les Miserables
and one I haven't seen yet but I really want to... is the Pirate Queen.

I couldn't possibly choose just one, so here are my top few

Legally blonde- there is so much energy,comedy,and talent in it. Its one of my favorites

Wicked-Its funny, the music is great and there is a wide variety in it,and it teaches a good lesson

Rent- I like all of the mixed emotions in it, the music again is good and there is a wide variety in it, and it again teaches a good lesson

Phantom of the opera- Its a classic, its an incredible story and brilliantly written

Les Miserables Having read the book for french class and knowing the story I appreciated the playwriting, music staging.

A Little Night Music
West Side Story

Blackpool, it was really different and yet contemporary.

Right now...Tanz der Vampire.
Gotta love the foreign musicals!

WICKED WICKED WICKED WICKED!!!!! AHHHH!!! I love wicked, don't get me started!!!!

I have way too many favorite musicals...but probably my all-time favorite is Rent. Avenue Q comes in a very close second.

The Boy from Oz I love the classic Broadway style tunes they have. I can almost feel the lights shining on me when I listen to it.

I'm with Butterfly. Wicked is the best! I could go on and on. I highly recomend it to anyone who likes Musicals.