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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why do you think reproducing human emotion is so difficult and only great actors

Question:Human emotion is raw and spontaneous. It's not easy to reproduce things that come to you without thinking without coming off as fake. I think it is sheer natural talent to be able to remove yourself from your own mind, and take on the life of another.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Human emotion is raw and spontaneous. It's not easy to reproduce things that come to you without thinking without coming off as fake. I think it is sheer natural talent to be able to remove yourself from your own mind, and take on the life of another.

Most people spend their lives trying not to feel anything.

Um, maybe cuz u only cry when ur really sad, and actors get practice and stuff like that?

except it isn't really hard, it comes to many very easily. a well trained actor can express emotion well and naturally. When one understands what acting really is all about, one can be a very effective actor quite easily.

I think people that are very emotional have a harder time than others with acting, because for them, focusing on their personal emotions is their main priority at the time. Acting comes naturally. I think the kids who are good fake criers as children have a talent in acting as they grow older. (Not talking about me or anything...) : )

Basically actors are taught to observe their emotions on a daily basis and work on reproducing the gamut of emotions from their own experiences. For example, I could be in a comedy and have to cry and be upset because I don't have a boyfriend. In real life I would never cry about not having a boyfriend, however I would cry if I saw an animal being mistreated for example. So even though I'm in a comediy, I would draw on my 'emotion bank' and bring out the sadness that I would feel about said animal all the while saying my lines 'I dont have a boyfrien boohoo'. When I have to kiss a fellow actor, instead of trying to believe I'm actually attracted to my often gay colleague, I imagine that he is someone I could actually lust after. Its all about recollection and awareness. That's where acting becomes 'being' ergo being in a natural state.

i don't think it's hard i mean you're a human i'm a human all it takes is an imagination to imagine the utmost despair or the utmost felicity. that's what an actor does. he/she imagines

Who sold you that bill of goods? ANYONE can reproduce emotions. Actors are merely trained to do it in front of an audience.

As I have said often and endlessly : look me in the eye and tell me the truth. That is what acting is all about.

I love Cider's answer... go with that.

If you find that it's difficult, then acting's not your bag. I mean that for anyone, not you personally.
