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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am attendind an audition for Deal or No Deal next week, any tips?

Question:just be your self any forced acting will just get you rejected as you would not be able to keep it up

Good luck
and remember me when you win the £250,000

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just be your self any forced acting will just get you rejected as you would not be able to keep it up

Good luck
and remember me when you win the £250,000

win the £250,000

Yep be as pushy and extrovert as you can you wont get on if your shy.

dont mention Mr Blobby

uhmm.. just be super professional. they say that they get the professional-looking ones. win the highest price okay! LOL. :]

Good luck! I'll look out for you on the show Anton.

I agree with carol b- show as much charactor as possible, don't shy away.
good luck
box 13 btw wink wink.

tell mr edmonds you really liked him on saturday swap shop, he was the instigator for bringing top quality american cartoons to british television if it wasnt for "valley of the dinosaurs" there would be no simpsons on C4 formerly on BBC2. however do not call him a short arsed diminutive bearded twat!. tell him you like helichopters too and mike smith is a really talented guy.

Just be Yourself

Wow! hope u win lots :D !
Just be yourself and im sure you will do fine!
Ill b looking out for you!

Dont be greedy and good luck

Just be yourself ! and win that big money! How u manage to get audition where you apply.

Open the box lid slowly and look surprised and scream

Listen to you gut, it's usually right the first time. Don't speak too quickly, sometimes being nervous can make you do that. Don't be afraid to act as excited as you are, it's a suspenseful show and they want you to help keep the audiance on the edge of their seats. Good Luck!!! Win Big!!
Oh, and don't touch Howie Mandel too much, he's a germaphob....offer him some hand sanitizer(that you will keep in you poctet) after you shake his hand.