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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Act 1, Scene 5: Macbeth Questions On Lady Macbeth.?

Question:Lady Macbeth seems intent on achieving a goal that seems very important to her. What do you think that goal is? What resources does she draw on to make certain she accomplishes it? If you talk to her at this time, what would you say?

- I think it has something to do with the witches prophecies? Is it? AH, SO CONFUSED.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Lady Macbeth seems intent on achieving a goal that seems very important to her. What do you think that goal is? What resources does she draw on to make certain she accomplishes it? If you talk to her at this time, what would you say?

- I think it has something to do with the witches prophecies? Is it? AH, SO CONFUSED.

She's power-hungry and manipulates Macbeth to be more proactive and scheming, but his heart's not in it.