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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some good techniques onMemorizing monologues fast!!!?

Question:I have a 25 line monologue that I have to perform in class on tuesday. What are some good techniques on memorizing???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a 25 line monologue that I have to perform in class on tuesday. What are some good techniques on memorizing???

Okay 25 lines isn't THAT hard.
What reallly helps me when i memorize lines/monologues
i memorize the first line.
then i go to the second memorize that and when i have it mostly memorized or totally memorized i go back to the first one [ DON'T LOOK AT YOUR SCRIPT ]
and i recite the first and second line.
then memorize the third.
when you have that memorized then recite from the first through third line
etc. etc.
try it that way.
that doesn't help then try typing it/ writing it over and over and over.
both those ways help me A LOT

ok i memorized a monologue tuesday night for an audition wednesday so it can be done. Read the monologue outloud and only outloud, NOT TO YOURSELF (when acting it is best to use audio learning skills) act it out...CONSTANTLY with emotion and movements, through the emotion and actions said with the lines when you practice, when you are on stage and do the same emotion/action the lines will be regenerated.

break a leg

First off, write it down seven times, more or less, whatever you are comfortable with, and then go outside or to a quiet place and just recite until you have it memorized.