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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you have to be talented to be an actress?

Question:You have to have good instincts. You have to have an innate sense of intuitiveness to pick up on all the different things that it takes to be a good actor and bring a character off the page. That's something that you either have or you don't. It's a natural talent.

So my answer would be, you have to be talented to be a good or great actor but not to be a famous one.

my two cents,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have to have good instincts. You have to have an innate sense of intuitiveness to pick up on all the different things that it takes to be a good actor and bring a character off the page. That's something that you either have or you don't. It's a natural talent.

So my answer would be, you have to be talented to be a good or great actor but not to be a famous one.

my two cents,

not at all -- there are many "actresses" who have little to no talent -- just sex appeal and/or they are sleeping with the director

Does Paris Hilton has talent?

No, not at all. But to be a GREAT actress you must.

Not really.
I think being an actress or actor means knowing how to act..not being talented in acting...haha. it sounds kind of like the same thing. But it really isn't. You just have to know how to act then it would be counted as talented..i guess.

It depends on the part.

yes at least in one be it beauty or an actual viable quality

I disagree with most of the ppl below me!!!! you HAVE to have talet to be a GOOD actor. Now, if you want to be a crappy usless actress, then no, you dont need talent. Because truth be told, not many can act. So it is a talent to be able to act. and if i belive that talent is something you love to do. and if you are asking this question, just so you can become an actress, and you dont like to act, or you would be good at it.

I was offended, you ppl are basicly saying thatactresses have no talent, and i am trying to become an actress (( and yes, i do have talent i just need to get over being shy ))

PS: PARIS HILTON IS AN AIRES!!! not an actress, yes she does act but not very good.

and plz, " or there sleeping with the director " who said that?!?!? im ofended

shut up..... you know nothing!!! and stop hating just because u have no acting talent and make an excuse. ACTORS are NOT sluts!!! some are, but NOT because they are actors, but because thay r retarded sluts. period......
