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Question: "The Modern Mankind" - take u 1 min to read!.!.!.!.Wanna let me know what u think!?
“The Modern Mankind”
The words say
Recklessly causing grievous bodily harm
Aggravated sexual assault
Inflicting bodily harm with intent to have sexual intercourse
Assault with an act of indecency
Aggravated break and enter
Robbery armed with offensive weapon
Detain persons with intent to sexual gratification
Inciting others to commit acts of indecency
And I am washing the dishes!.

The sun is shining
There is a light drizzle,
The wind, sweeps the smell of
Parsley, mint and lavender
That lingers by, my kitchen window!.

I can see the horizon, from where I stand
The buzz of the television
Kind of… dirties the atmosphere, some
But it doesn’t affect me, so much so
That I walk a few paces, and turn it off!.

The young lady, plunged to her death
And my eyes wander, to the garden bed

The front page of the newspaper
Flaps with his new found sister;
The curtain waltzes
While the breeze, “plays” composer!.

The news clippings show
A plump youthful face
The kind that inspired the luminous
Angelic paintings of the Renaissance times

She is gone
Her cries were lost, in the dark
How did her eyes, express fear!?
When he determined this night, her last!?

I catch myself in this moment
And wonder how, why!?
She is not my baby, but she could be
Couldn’t she!?

Where are the governments
Where are the policemen/women
When I am in danger!?

The taxes are a big deal, aren’t they!?
The elections are a big deal, aren’t they!?
So where are the measures!?
The education, the REHABILITATION!?!?!
When society serves as a playground
For such whimsical criminals!?

Which in life is more important
Than the singular death of a human being!?

If need be, wear the same clothes everyday
If need be, eat at home, humbly
If need be walk many miles
And don’t drive cars

The currency of human life
Should not be here
We weren’t meant to be this
Just a few days from
Unconscious, unthinking animals
Why have we stopped feeling!?
Why shorten the gap between
The development of
Our human senses, our Evolution!?

Is it easier, to lead a pack of animals
Than your thinking, counter-parts!?

Your popularity, your credentials
Mean ****, when innocent people
Are left to rot on the asphalt
Of the modern paved streets
Of a “civilized” mankind!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very pungent and poignant!!
!.!.!.!.!.!.graphic and strong!.

!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!."Which in life is more important
Than the singular death of a human being!?"

I read I heard!.