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Question: I need help with a description for why I chose this poem to recite!.!.!.!?
This is the poem

Moon Landing
Norman Maccaig

The rind of Newton’s apple
was hard as a mason’s hand ;
yet the apple exploded, its pulp
spattered minds in closets
then minds outside closets
That was the beginning!.

Now two minds, hard
as silicon, glittering as quartz,
fall logically on moondust ;
and blind stars and dwarf stars
are trees of apples and the forests
of galaxies make audible
their shaking leaves!.
In a mind’s midnight
they rustle and shine
as the threatening as logic,
as beautiful as revelation!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this poem fantastic! its Genius!

love how they pair newton with the masons! of course he was not one but its still brilliant!. i would dig a little deeper into that concept!.

the apple thing is great too seeing as how that is how it is believed the whole idea of gravity came around in his head!.

"in a mind's midnight they rustle and shine!.!.!." knowledge has began to bloom!

love it


I think I would choose another poem, That one's c£&p!. Go for something by Dylan Thomas, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, or Noddy!. But chuck that one in file 13!!Www@QuestionHome@Com