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Position:Home>Poetry> How is this poem truthfully? Why?

Question: How is this poem truthfully!? Why!?
I feel the wind between my fingers
As my arms begin to sway!.
savoring every moment
As I walk each spring day!.

Trees begin to blossom;
Everything anew!.
So much to see,
An awful lot to do!.

Taking different routes;
Fresh smells and sights!.
Walking in the mornings,
Even in the nights!.

Calories burning quickly;
So much motivation!.
Rain or shine, doesn’t matter,
They sound like loads of fun!.

Spring: My favorite season;
The one of my birth!.
Try daily walks,
Then you’ll feel my mirth!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My version
Springtime Walk
In your poem it is nice to
get out go for walks!.
Getting rejuvenated
ready for another year!.
Going for that walk standing
straight walking swinging those
also trees grass blooming
for another year
I like the spring and summer
for the days stretch out ( become longer)
sunshine is stronger!.