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Question: Family Relationship Poems-- WILL AWARD BEST ANSWER!!!?
I have a poetry project and my theme is on family relationship, i need to find 6 poems, currently i have 3, and they must all be from established poets!. Please can you help me!? Please post link and title of the poem, WILL AWARD BEST ANSWER!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are a few websites:




Well, that should help you out a bit!. Looks like some of the poems can be pretty intense!. That's why I saved the website about funny family relationships for last !.!.!. to leave you in a happy mood!. Good luck on your project!

By the way, I don't know who's more famous than the other, so you'll have to decide which authors to use - so sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Treasure - For Mom
by Kit McCallum
I look back on these years
To see how far I've come and grown,
I take a trip down memory lane,
And what I see has shown !.!.!.

That every step I've taken,
You have been there by my side !.!.!.
From infancy to adulthood,
We've stood the test of time!.

You cradled me and nurtured me,
Through all these many years;
You held me and did comfort me,
Through happiness and tears!.

You'd pick me up when I would fall,
You'd dust me off and then,
Encourage me to get back on
That horse and ride again!.

Your constant care and loving,
And your warm inviting heart,
Has always been a treasure that
I knew would n'er depart!.

If I could be "just half" the person
You have been to me !.!.!.
Then you have taught me well dear mom,
For in my heart I see !.!.!.

A woman whose most gentle soul,
Embraces me each day !.!.!.
A woman whom I dearly love,
Much more than words can say!.

by Psqahs
Why is it that sisters tease!?
Can you tell me please!?
They always make me cry
with one mean lie!.
Why is it me,
They don't like to see!?
All I did was love you!
Do you have no respect!?
Or is it 'cause you have
to be perfect!?

by Amanda
I remember
the green freeze pops,
hugs that never stopped!
The games of kickball,
the light left on for me in the hall!.
The trips to the game farm,
the times you kept me from harm!.
Whenever I needed you,
it was your shoulder I turned to!.

The hospital care,
you in a wheelchair!.
The feeling that you weren't ok,
the days you couldn't come out to play!.
I was told on a cold winter day
that you had forever gone away!.

The funeral room full of fears,
Grampa's eyes full of tears!.
Everyone at my house,
there was no shoulder,
tears fell on my blouse!.
The pain I felt,
all of it still I haven't dealt!.

I wish I could've said good- bye,
maybe now I wouldn't cry!.
I know you loved me,
why couldn't you stay!?
I still miss you to
this day!.
Grandma - I love you!.

I love my family so much!.

To be apart of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired

we talk
we laugh
we cry

but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family
we do it all as one

you hurt one
you hurt all
and as a family unit
we will all stand tall

for we are family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
that, s why I love my family so much!.

Mahfooz Ali
