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Position:Home>Poetry> Please rate my poem comments are welcome ... sometimes i wish?

Question: Please rate my poem comments are welcome !.!.!. sometimes i wish!?
Sometimes i wonder
why i live this way
why i cant move on
why my pain is here to stay

sometimes i wish
that i could make it right
that i could turn it all around
but it's not worth the fight

sometimes i want to run away
and leave my past behind
leave all the pain and torture
and not bottle it up inside

sometimes i wish that life was great
but then again it's not
i wish for all this pain to end
but i guess i wish a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very Amazing! =D!. it kinda reminds me of a song!
its: Skee-Lo - "I Wish"!.!.!. A very fitting example if you ask me =D!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!.its nice, 4 enthusiastic thumbs way up!!! its well written
and reminiscent of something I've written myself but less dramatic!.i like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dude that is so good !.!. !! Everyone wishs for something

? excellent ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

very good , i think everyone wishes a lot for somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg yes !

dammm , you're saying wat everyone wants to sayWww@QuestionHome@Com

your poem is great Sometimes I wish too

dude i love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com