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Position:Home>Poetry> Rhyme with David?

Question: Rhyme with David!?
I am writing a silly love song about a guy named david!. He is a lifeguard!. What rhymes with David!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"These feelings for you I've hid"

It doesn't sound that great but david is hard to find something to rhymeWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. almoravid
2!. avid
3!. avvid
4!. bovid
5!. cervid
6!. cvid
7!. david
8!. enovid
9!. favid
10!. fervid
11!. fulvid
12!. gravid
13!. impavid
14!. kidvid
15!. livid
16!. ovid
17!. pavid
18!. perfervid
19!. reduvid
20!. safavid
21!. saxicavid
22!. svid
23!. vid
24!. vivid
25!. xvidWww@QuestionHome@Com

You could use "Dave" and rhyme it with "slave" !. "I love you very much, Dave, until the end of time, you'll be my slave !." or "I love you so much, Dave, I'll be your slave !." !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could rearrange the words and still have the same meaning in the line!. That may give you an easier word to find a rhyme for at the end of the line!.

Best Wishes


if you're reciting it, use saved!.

but annunciate on the 'ed' in saved
it'll sound similar!.

david!.!.!. save-id!.Www@QuestionHome@Com