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Position:Home>Poetry> Whats your oppinion?

Question: Whats your oppinion!?
this smile is startin to fade away really fast!.!.
and the tears!.!.are building up again!.

i told myself to be careful!.!.
and once again!.!.
i drove myself into a ditch!.!.

You can make me laugh!.!.
so very much!.!.
and the other times!.!.
you make me cry!.!.and upset!.

i try to stay shut out from the world!.!.
because when i open up
it always hurts me in the end

Im so very lucky to have met who i have
because they love me and i know it
but sometimes i wonder
if they know that im scared all the time
to love them in return!.

I decided not to long ago!.!.
this mite be worth it!.!.
and i was happy at the thought
but then!.!.i realized!.!.
im right back to where i was
when "he" had done it to me b4!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
he!.!.!.!.hurt me bad!.!.and even though its been months
i still cant listen to this certain song
without wishin it never existed!.!.

Honestly!.!.i wish i would never of met you!.!.
or them!.!.because you are so very special!.!.
they are oh so very kind hearted!.!.

i wish i could hold your hand!.!.!.
and i wish!.!.i could hear you say!.!.
what i need to hear!.!.
not what i want to hear!.!.
im fallin for someone!.!.
i told myself i wouldnt!.!.so!.!.!.!.!.
im bckin out now!.!.before i lose it all
the happiness!.!.the friends!.!.
everthing that makes my outside!.!.me
and im going to save the girl!.!.
inside!.!.!.who cant take this battle!.!.nemore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WOW! That was deep and made me want to cry! You should turn it into a song!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know for me it's a bit long, i like the part about the ditch cause i think everyone can metaphorically relate to "driving into a ditch"!. also probably some punctuation instead of the random dots where punctuation should be (ex: !.!.!.)!. other than that i think you have some good material on your hands!.

good job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it!.!.!.its not really deep and speaks to me!.!.!.it might need more descriptive words&&creativityy!.!.!.but overall its a good poemm!.!.!.how about mineeeee!?


check my poems out


it sounds like a heartbreak story and it's rather depressing!. it's a good poem though!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com