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Position:Home>Poetry> Help with poems.?

Question: Help with poems!.!?
my friend elizabeth is joining this poem club and i joined because she didnt want to do it alone!. so we need to write a poem on math because the resitle is based on math!. can you give me some ideas or you can make some!. the best one will get 16 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like Professor says long list of math terms and join that with an idea like studying, a test, homework, or a cram session!. and tell the story with rhyme!. Sample of rhythm would be!.
I know a boy his name is Joe
how he got here I don't know
He tells me he's fast with a grin
but if a race we had I would win

Remember just have fun with it, its a learning experienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

1) what is resitle!? Recital!?
2) how are you going to give SIXTEEN points!? Best answer only gets 10!.

I can write a math poem, but that kind of defeats the purpose of you joining a club if you are going to plagarize someone else's work!. Plus, I wouldn't want your friend to be embarrassed by my kick@ss poem!.!.!.!.!.!. haha!.

Now, here is the best way to start a poem if you don't have inspiration:

make a lonnnnng list of math words:
(add, subtract, etc if you are young!.!.!.!.!. parabola, slope, etc if you are older!.!.!.!. )
anyways, make it a lonnnng list, as long as you can!. Then, try to find rhyming words within the list, or come up with rhymes that still fit the theme!.

you can email me with a rough draft and I'll gladly help you jazz it up, but I'm not going to write one from scratch for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isabella G!.,

I totally agree with the Professor and O!.W!.L!.! That's like coming here and expecting someone to do your work for you!. Kids these days!.!.!. If you are not up to the task, then you're taking the course for an easy credit and now you want to cheat!? You'll find that this post is 'helpful' and will judge your works fairly, not do it for you! Good luck on your journey!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com