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Position:Home>Poetry> SOME PEOPLE - please comment on my poem!?

Question: SOME PEOPLE - please comment on my poem!!?

My weary eyes won’t let me weep
Wide open, I can’t just sleep
I can’t believe what I’ve seen today
I can’t conceive what some people say

Accusations of the air they breathe
Minor tragedies of which they seethe
Beware of these howling drama seekers
One slip up and you’ll be down to your sneakers

She says she is God’s chosen healer
She says she cares about all who meet her
Well maybe it’s true for a minute or two
You’ll be her best friend until she decides to sue

Some people just don’t understand
I show compassion and give them a hand
But when my help is thrown out and there’s spit on my palm
It just makes me doubt any future of calm

Nothing I say is good enough for these people
Always something to pick apart or staple
All day long nonsense I’m being fed
All night long I ponder what I should have said

All I can hope for is a new day, a new chance
And some people who won’t blow up at a glance
Out there somewhere where I can’t see
There are some people just like me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is beautiful but I couldn't imagine it in a poetry book!. It's more like the lyrics of a song!.!.!.perhaps because of the rhymes!. The inspiration is contemporary but the form is "classical" and that exists today only in the world of the songs!.!.!.I think so!. If you found someone to compose a music on this poem!.!.!.;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is good a bit childish on the rymes but a great poem

here is my poem im 11 and its about the Govermant!. Need load of reeplies


The rhyming is a little simple, I'd like some more complex words and rhyming!. I like your format though, and try adding some more punctuation!. Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

very nice inspirational love it keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It seems kind of childish, but I like the idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hope you keep writing that is amazing!
so true, I love the message you get across

check out my poems :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it a lot!. You have a lot of talent!
I loved it!. You should write a book!. ;) I would definitely buy it!
If you can, please check my poems!. They are just two because i just started writting!. I would like to hear your opinion!.
Hopefully I helped! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com