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Position:Home>Poetry> ` what do you think ?

Question: ` what do you think !?
In hindsight
I could have handled it better when
you threw yourself onto our bed
drowing in the sheets
with only marshmellow pillows
to keep you afloat!.

You're most vivid when
we sat in hot tubs
hot boxed
in the hot summer breeze
holding out for some rainbow
that might come
after the rain
that never will

The memories of traded glances
in the firelight of the lantern festival
where flames inside paper houses
were meant to banish bad things, but
you never seemed to mind it
no, not at all
even if you were the worst
thing that could have happened!.


now I let myself drown
in the softness that is
the impression you made,
sampling the blankets but
nothing ever seems as warm,
as you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Whilst it is clearly personal to you, the writer, remembering passionate moments with a lover, now lost, it did invoke thoughts of a past failed relationship and lost love of my own!. So, I think that if it touches any readers in a similar way, it has been worthwhile, for you, writing it!. Whether the person you based the verse on has seen it and what they would think is also something the reader may wander about!. Then, the final verse, where you metaphorically drown in the cold, leaves suspense as to whether you will recover and move on or sink into an even deeper abbyss of depression!. Well written, clearly from the heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's okay, but personally I don't like it!. :S
Good job though, I'm sure you tried hard to write it!.
But maybe it's time you stopped asking people for their opinions, everyon'e gonna have a different opinion so it might not make you feel good about it anyway!.!.!. xPWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your powm isn't well made!.!.!.you should polish it!. Take into account the rhythm!. I like your message!.!.!.with the right editing, it'll be very good indeed!. Good luck!. Don't quit making poems!.!.!.!.it's all about practice and a lot of criticisms to master the art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You poem sucks
you are out of luck
learn to write
or prepare to fight
I wish you would delete the crap
I am tired now so I will take a nap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its really goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very Nice my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice one!!!!i really liked it esp the end!Www@QuestionHome@Com