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Position:Home>Poetry> "A Broken-Heart's Minute" Like it or not?

Question: "A Broken-Heart's Minute" Like it or not!?
A Broken-Heart’s Minute

“Wait just one minute!” she shouts back at me,
And I wonder if I should stop or just flee!.
Something’s in my sour eyes that tells me to stay,
But my mind says not to turn back to her the other way,
Because when one thing’s made up and said a minute ago,
I’m done talking to you, B*#&h, so just let me go!
But NO!?! Once she wants another ridiculous MINUTE,
She wants it NOW! Should I stay!? NO…forget it!.
So I bite my tongue, let tears trickle from my eyes,
Left her behind talking, and not saying good-bye!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I Read this a couple of times over,to get the wording,with the right rythm in my head!.
It Is Very Good in my opinion,and Almost Real!?

The Title is Very Apt too!Well Done 10/10Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is amazing!. i feel you!. when people say they love you and act otherwise!. that's how i feel when i read this!. great poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is easy to follow!. Has a good rhythm to it!. The emotion is very real and understandable!. Awesome job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wen i was readin this i could feel the emotion!.!.!.very true i really like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

That was really heart touching!. I give it a perfect 10/10 too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com