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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think about my poem? dont have a title tell me one that could be goo

Question: What do you think about my poem!? dont have a title tell me one that could be good!.!?
I step into a different world than before!.
A world where I’m alone!.
A world that’s empty!.
A world where you are no longer there!.

I came from a world!.
A world where I was surrounded by people!.
A world where I was loved
A world where I was able to love you!.

I’m in a world where every face I see,
Is nothing but a blur!.
In a world where people talk,
But I cant hear!.
In a world where nobody notices me,
Or hears my cry of pain!.

It used to be a pleasure to be alive!.
To have you touch me!.
To feel the fire you left behind ,
when you where against my body!.
To have your lips to my ear and tell,
“I love you”
“you’re my whole life”

Now you are gone,
Gone to the heavens!.
And I stay hear,
In hell!.
Oh how it hurts,
To be in a place,
I once loved,
Turn into nothing when you left!.

Now my days are cold, Filled with tears!.
Trying to survive!.
To survive without you!.
Why do I try!?
If what I truly want is gone!.
Why don’t I go with you!?
And finally sop the pain!.

When I can be, Be happy!. Be loved!.
Be With you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think I would name it "This World," "Escape," or maybe "I Miss You!." Something along those lines!.

I actually like the flow of this!.
I give it a 9!.7 out of 10!

Keep writing! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it
its not hard to understand and all symbolic!. i do understand how its kinda sporadically organized and why!.
as for a title i would just use the Emily Dickenson style and go with "I step into a different world than before"Www@QuestionHome@Com

It deosn't really have a "flow" to me!. I like the idea and concept, but it's kind of all over the place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Empty World
The World You Left MeWww@QuestionHome@Com