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Position:Home>Poetry> How would you say this does in continuing the story?

Question: How would you say this does in continuing the story!?
Trial of Sight
Part Six

“Is the little witch still out”
Voices in the dark
“How did she survive your slip of finger!?”
a stranger speaks
“Her alliance to the devils around her,”
the judge
Her hands were bound,
feet tied
but spirit would not break
Her father had not given her a soul of fear
and these ManDevils would not take her

-The strangest if them all for me to write… I had to work hard not to be too repetitive!. I would love to hear your thoughts…

Blessed Be in Love, Light and the ongoing tale, SirenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is often difficult to write a dialog - that is going on in the background - while the main character is supposed to be "out of it"!. I guess - it is because - the writer usually identifies with the main character - therefore - writing a situation of this sort - often seems strange!. Well done ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

And now there is a mysterious stranger added to the cast of characters!. It is a relief that Cara has survived and her courageous spirit seems indomitable!. I admire her!. This is dramatic and fascinating!. I am enjoying the series so much!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, this seems to clear the confusion, and it leaves me thirsting for more!. I hope there's more!. There damn well better be more, or I shall bring the Wrath of the Board down on thy head!. Please more! Please ma'am may I have some more!?Www@QuestionHome@Com