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Question: The Haiku form!?
Does anyone know the reason for the Haiku being confined to a seventeen syllable form!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The English version of Haiku is 17 syllables, but haiku does not need to be 17 syllables!. It can be 17 Syllables or less, structuring small, big, small!.

Hear I have provided you a link that explains about Haiku!.


Cheers : )

Not a problem, It is a really helpful site and can teach you a lot about poetry!. I'm an amateur poet and this site plus helpful critiques are teaching me more about poetry!.

Good luck : )

Not a problem, Foggisan!.
Happy to help!. It took me a long time to find that site, but once you found it, it's bliss as, everything you need to know about poetry is on there!.

Cheers : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Japanese tradition, basically!.!.!. But this rule forgets that Japanese needs more syllables per word on average, so translations to other languages may use different lengths!.

If you want to know how hard is to compose a haiku in Japanese, use the 3-5-3 form in English instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just wanted to thank Galactia for the link as well! Great site, I'll be using it a lot, thank you! Foggisan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

meh, just grew that way!. Like the sonata form in the west!.Www@QuestionHome@Com