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Position:Home>Poetry> How does this do in continuing the tale?

Question: How does this do in continuing the tale!?
Trial of Sight
Part Four

~ “Cara, sweet, come in to wash”
Mothers’ voice calls in deathly dream
A little girl wades in water fresh and cool
even in dreams, she could feel its touch
a child with flaxen hair
wild, untamed, her locks and she alike
At her side a silver knife
gift from a father for her protection
along with lessons
to help her kill…!. ~

-I used the “~” to show this is a dream… just for future reference… What do you think of this installment!?

Blessed Be in the Love of Story and the Light of Connection, SirenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i love it!.!.!. again! your writing style is so!.!.!. idk,, beautiful!

i'll be awaiting the next!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, now I know what the memory is!. I love this part!. It gives insight into the character; she is "wild, untamed", with "flaxen hair"!. Write on, Siren! I will be waiting!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think your swtill on track and its just fine great workWww@QuestionHome@Com