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Position:Home>Poetry> How does this feel for the continuing of a tale?

Question: How does this feel for the continuing of a tale!?
Trial of Sight
Part Two

“Relent this quest for revenge
and we will grant you leave”
Saliva assaulted Cara
with every condemning word
She would not even give him this
Yes or No was not his right
Her final Hearing, pathetic, undeserving
of the life she had manifested
in herself
brought to the will of arrogant pigs

-I want to keep them all short!. My other series have been rather daunting and this one will not last as long as those…!.!. hopefully!

Blessed Be in the Love of Story and Light of Love, SirenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have little to say, but that I hope Part Three emerges soon!. Don't hate me for this one SMALL criticism (and that would be me at my worst!.!.!.): I feel like the use of the word 'pigs' as the final word left me with a strange image!. Perhaps it's because I am an odd person, but again, please don't listen to me!. <3 <3

Thank you for this! I have something to look forward to in the days to come!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am picturing the gun still pointed at Cara while this is happening!. I have the haunted feeling that all hope is lost for her because of her strength of will and the power of her beliefs!. This is a very taut and suspenseful moment in the story!. The next part cannot come fast enough for me!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com