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Position:Home>Poetry> Another newish poem of mine did you like it "Dark dragon wings" =]?

Question: Another newish poem of mine did you like it "Dark dragon wings" =]!?
Thanks ahead! :)

Dark dragon wings

Skies beneath black wings
That binds and lashes winds
Knight of the night ride dark
Brash flames rain to burn lark!.

Cast on the castle as thunder
And shadow the land under
Dark wings they've a hole and tear
Dark dragon through red eyes stare!.

The skies defence revel in mist
And dawn a kingdom to resist
This warrior wear blood of night
As dry air burns in to light!.

Dark dragon in skies dark your hidden
Rapture and reign the forbidden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats pretty impressive :) i like shakespearWww@QuestionHome@Com

