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Position:Home>Poetry> Who here likes my poem "White Star" personally i like it =]?

Question: Who here likes my poem "White Star" personally i like it =]!?
Thanks ahead :)

White Star

The draft it muttered and gently grew,
Like moonlight was washing through,
But curtains shut and others slept,
And in my room this orb of light crept!.
Toward and back it would swiftly go,
Not ghostlike, a spirit that could glow,
Yet it muttered by and shone lark,
And lit the darkest room ever of dark!.
Passes me there its soul was white,
But reality not a dream filled the night,
Then its fresh air to touch my cheek,
And my guidance i though seek!.
The curtains I drew and widen window,
To a sky of white star and moon though,
A star cradled close but dark alone,
Lit bright as the soul had flown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Kiddo, your a star in the making!. Get your poems copyrighted and published!. Your an outstanding poet at such a young age, and a guy on top, at 16, rare quality!.

CHEERS : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like




Sweet, i like it :) very nice ")Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it, it's very good! =] It has a dream-like quality to it!. Great job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it :)
very good xWww@QuestionHome@Com