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Question: Questions about "To An Athlete Dying Young"!?
I need help with these questions!. They seem to be way over my head!.

What is the difference between "silence" and "cheers" in relation to athletic endeavor!?
What does one signify!?
The other!?
How would the athlete respond to one or the other!? Explain!. Why is his death apparently preferable to hearing the former!??Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Cheers" means that he or she has achived something great and somebody is toasting with drinks to wish them good luck!. When somebody says silence it means that the athlete is being remembered for something signafacant that he or she did!. I think that if the athelte were alive that would like to hear "cheers" rather than "silence"Www@QuestionHome@Com