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Question: Care for a greasy offering!?
Grease Gun Dogfights

Monotony on a tractor, common,
entertainment always self made!.
My weapon upon those fall days:
grease gun, portable and full!.
The opponents appeared, winged
feasting on buffet offerings
of what the plow’s blades churned
Now a grease gun projectile flies
40 feet, wind aided, of course
and gulls were never timid…so
plop, one launced, the gull moved
plop again… plop, plop, plop!
The gulls having advanced radar…
they really did, never aborted
in spite of heavy grease ack-ack!
They survived and feasted well
and I stayed awake, beating sleep!.
But my Dad never knew, although he asked,
why the grease gun was always empty!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Boys toys are so inventive! I have heard a lot of old tractor stories, never this one, Kudos! Even if the pesty gulls were target, Thou would be reported these days! Tractors of now days are equipped with luxury these days, starting with A/C
and heaters etc!. So much fun these now plow boys miss!

Inventive boy toys, walked away from my three year old grand son for 5 minutes! He loaded the elec!. blower with acorns,
and was having a blast shooting them out! Males do think

I see these fields, this boy, this tractor, these black furrows, these white winged gulls swooping, screeching , I see this this gun, and the well greased anti climax!. A Robert Frost Moment!.!. evocative and warmly welcome this cool morning!. Thankyou Neonman!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great poem and it didn't require a dictionary!.

Brilliant my dear lad, Brilliant!.

Cheers!. : )

P!.S: THX for checking mine out : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grease gun fights - how novel and what fun - leave it to the creative mind - to utilize "weapons" at hand!. The image of black grease against white gull is startling!. Good job ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sing it!

Grease is the word!
It occurred on the bird
Neonman got his gun out
Grease in the timing
The gulls hit in motion
But his Dad took the fun out!.
Grease, it had run outWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha! I was misty eyed crying after reading Elaine's poem and now you come along with this! I can just picture a young boy out in the field firing "grease bullets" at the gulls!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i wasnt so perfect then either
and cant say nothing about this
but that dirt is everything
and Gramps wouldve murdered you!. lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

You certainly did amuse yourself!. Most enjoyable read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You made me smile!.!.!.wonder if Dad ever guessed!.!.!. could the piles of grease on the ploughed field have given away the secret!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

NICE!. How cool to tap the memory bank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This poem is so funny! I wonder what Dad would say now that the price of oil is approaching Mars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com