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Position:Home>Poetry> Are these good poems??!?! please answer!?

Question: Are these good poems!?!?!!?! please answer!!?
Everyone gets embarrassed
Everyone trips and falls
Everyone burps in front of their crush
Don’t get so embarrassed that you run away
Because everyone gets embarrassed and that’s just gods way
Of saying that everyone isn’t perfect
No, not even Heidi Klum
Everyone does something that will make them fume
We all do things that we wish we didn’t do
All I have to say is, just be youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the first poem is cute and funny!. The second poem is deep and seems like it's coming from someplace deep in a young person's heart!.

I did like them though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They seemed like they were works of a beginner but I loved them because they seemed really heartfelt and easy to relate to!. I loved the second one especially! Its was so sincere!.


lol!. Hmm!. very cool!. Your great!. thanks for reading mine and i am 14 today! so yeah!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea the first is tooooooooooo nice i really liked it from my heart really really

the second is too nice, i swear i copied them ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com