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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this poem? Also a name for it...?

Question: What do you think of this poem!? also a name for it!.!.!.!?
I wrote this poem for my girlfriend in ohio !.!.(long distance girlfriend) what do you think!?
Falling as
I sit,
Fingers frantically typing,
Heart quickly beating,
Face forever smiling,
Knowing she will always be on the other end!.
I can see her hand,
Holding an invisible string,
A string connecting our hearts,
Our fates,
And one day our lips!.
Oh, how mine hunger to touch hers!.
I look down at my hand,
And feel the invisible line,
The connecting line!.
She slightly pulls,
And i draw closer to her,
And closer,
And closer,
Until our hands grip each others,
Our lips graze each others!.
Finally no devices are needed to hear her say--
No need to type the words--
No camera needed to see--
she's falling,
For I can see and i can hear,
When she says the words so sweet,
I can finally fall deep into her eyes,
And I finally get to lick the sugar off her lips,
The sweetest sugar left from the sweetest words;
I love you!.<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think your girlfriend will love it!.

What about "Unseen Connection" for the title!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

its Excellent i reckon you should call it the sweetest girlWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with dialgaX, the name "sweetest girl" does match your peom!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

eeeugh!! pass me the bucket!! cheesy and predictable springs to mind!!! sorry!!Www@QuestionHome@Com