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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of my poem? be honest.?

Question: What do you think of my poem!? be honest!.!?
I’ll miss

I miss his face that goes beyond recognition!.
The perfect lines of his perfect skin,
Makes my own skin get Goosebumps!.

I miss the sweetest scent of his breath,
That way that it makes my own mouth water!.
In instants
takes my breath away!.

I miss his words, his voice
that makes my eye’s,
My inside melt!.
The way he makes my heart skip a beat with his meanings!.

I miss his gentle hands glide over my imperfect body!.
It makes me think of his every perfection
But the sweet touch and the loving feeling that he care!.
Makes me think that I can’t be with him!.

The way that he makes me happy,
Can only be nothing but a memory

For our love is nothing but an

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This was really getting inside my heart bigtime and then it was so disappointing as it downgraded!. :O(

Why on earth would a person's love for you make you think that you can't be with that person!.
Is he married!? What!?

I love the poem but my oh my, honey, give your readers a reason to feel the way you do, don't leave us hanging OR perhaps you can end this poem a different way!.
It's a great poem!. Rich in description involving the emotions relating to the senses and especially in relation to breath!. So little poetry speaks of the way a person's breath, breathes life into a beloved as well!. It's an oft neglected part of forming a relationship and too seldom expressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm unclear!.!.!.Can you not be together because YOU think you're not good enough!.!.!.or what!?!.!.!.Could he write a poem!?!.!.!.Maybe you are the only thing in the way of you being together!.!.!.The poem is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll miss!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
never mindWww@QuestionHome@Com