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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you guys think this poem is about?

Question: What do you guys think this poem is about!?
you start off as friends,
you always fight but make amends,
feelings start to flame,
and now two play this game,
he sits next to you and he holds your hand,
you look out, and you think you know his plan!.
he laughs back, but he only sees,
beauty that is just skin deep,
you realize late what was meant to be,
you thought he was your best friend,
but that was the past you see,
you start to love and your feelings soar,
you look back and start to care much more,
the thoughts make you shiver,
and the memories cry,
and you drown in the thoughts on how he changed your life!.
and many things were said,
yet feelings left unspoken,
now bonds and hearts will break,
things that weren't meant to be broken!.

---- what do you think this poem is about!? i just want to know if im making my point clear in this poem, and yes i wrote it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You realize that you are "in love" with someone you thought was just a "friend"Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW~ You have some emotions that you're trying to get out, right!?!? It seems as if a guy told you he loved you, but in the reletionship, you figured out that he only saw you for your looks and not your beautiful mind, and that he ended up breaking you in the long run!.

Sorry, but love never seems to last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its about the start and end of a relationship between a girl and guy!. and while the girl thought she was in love and it was meant to be, the guy didn't!. he didn't look at her past what was on the outside, and she didn't offer it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it about a break-up and how you realize that you love him but you are not in love with him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it about having feelings for a friend and then lossing him!? if it is i know exactly how you feel hunWww@QuestionHome@Com