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Position:Home>Poetry> Are these proverbs, Converbs or neither? please critique thx.?

Question: Are these proverbs, Converbs or neither!? please critique thx!.!?
Does any one even get the last one, or too dam confussing!?

Priest will bless those who see him,
Once seen, you become blessed!.

it’s hard to earn a dollar,
But to spend a dollar is easy!.

Age deceives beauty,
As beauty deceives age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well done, Number 7!. You have captured the spirit of the Converb, using the form to express your root ideas!. The first one may be more proverbial, with its hint of hope!. You get a star!. TDWww@QuestionHome@Com

These are more like proverbs!. The Converb is a poetic statement with a barbed ending illustrating something that annoys the writer!. There are no capitalization, rhyme or punctuation requirements!. These are too straight-forward to be considered Converbs; they read like proverbs!. also, the Converb MUST be spelled (as you did) with a capital C, because the word is a proper noun, like a person's name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get the last one!. It's my favorite one of the three!. Although, they are all good!. However, I've never been completely solid on the concept of the converb so I can't say for sure!. TD (inventor of the converb) or Elaine (practitioner of the converb) would be able to tell you if they qualify as converbs!. I'll call them ;)

CONVERB: A contrary proverb, the mission of the Converb is to be as controversial as possible in as few words as manageable!. There are no rhyme or meter requirements, just hit hard and get out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The last one is especially good!. The first needs some more set up!. Maybe:

Silence, a blessing
often given by Priests
sadly, seen in privateWww@QuestionHome@Com

can some one tell me what is the meaning of converb!?Www@QuestionHome@Com