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Position:Home>Poetry> Has any poet here had work published by

Question: Has any poet here had work published by poetrybookpublishingagency!.com!.!.!.
I sent ONE poem and they asked for 3 more and I just got a letter back that they are interested!. However, I am skeptical because there were errors in the letter---even from the "legal dept"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think there is any poetry journal out there that has a legal department, except for something like the New Yorker!. Believe me I know as I've been an editor for a few literary journals and have been published in many and am involved in the poetry world at depth!.

If you want a good place to find legit publishers, go here: duotrope!.com or get the Poets Market!. My preference is duotrope!.com, it's my favorite website!.

Remember, you should NEVER pay to get published in a journal, and you should always be paid for being published--either in cash or in contributor copies, the latter being what the majority of publishers pay!.

also, you should always send 3-5 poems!. It's the standard, unless the poems are really long!. Plus, 3-5 poems allows the editor to better see what you are up to!. As an editor, I hate only getting one poem because then I don't get the feel of the author!. You think it wouldn't matter, but somehow it does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like a scam and I think you instinctively know that it is!.
"Vanity Press" is folks who promise to publish your work, and will if YOU pay them to have your things published in their book!.

There are also online publishers you know like: www!.poemhunter!.com and www!.poetsofmars!.com but anytime you place your poetry online, it's public domain even if you do have it copyrighted!.
There are no guarantees in life but trust me dear, no one wants your poetry!. There's millions of us our here!.
What's sad is that the more you block your own flow of writing in fear that someone will steal from you, the more time you waste waxing creative and maturing as a writer!.
Posting here at Yahoo Poetry allows all of us to have our work viewed and view others as well and learn how to become better writers ourselves, get critiques, pointers, and hints of all kinds, learn about structure, and punctuation, different styles of poetry, etc!. I can't tell you how invaluable the experience is!.
IF you are still uncomfortable posting online, then go get a copyright on all your things and submit the old fashioned way to individual publishing companies in paper form!. Good Luck!


It definitely sounds like a scam!. Or a vanity press, at the very least!. I wouldn't contact them anymore if I were you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com