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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like poems about kittens?

Question: Do you like poems about kittens!?
!.!.!.and what do you think of mine!?


Furry little thing
singing in her purrs
playing with a ball of string
finicky playfulness so terse
Sliver of an eye
silver brightens as she reels
Given to attention
hopping on her heels
Fish food shared at times
a pink tongue to reveal
liking of the whiskered lips
for chance at scrumptious meal
Funny little thing
singing in her wine
Though spoiled as you are
little kitten, you’re still mine

-I had to get the darkness out of my mind… and I was sitting here at Rouxes’ house!. I saw one of his drawings on the wall, of a kitten… so I wrote this!. What do you think!?

Blessed Be in Cute Musings and Love and Life, SirenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
three little kittens
deep fried in fat
crispy little critters
taste good like dat

dipped in chocolate
served with whipped cream
parboiled alive
i love how they scream

crunchy little bones
marrow so sweet
tiny little skulls
crunch beneath your feet

an original on the spot spontaneous poem by twice bittenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds good to me!. But I don't know anything about poetry!.
It rhymes, right!?

The kitten was really cute
It almost fell down the garbage chute
But I saved it by throwing my boot
(at it)
And kitty found something better to do (dute!?)
Perhaps it learned to play the flute!.

Now I can write kitten poems too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope not a big cat fan
plz anwser my question

Heh, no offense, but poems about kittens are about as common as photos of kittens!. And most people hate them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good but you can prolly write much better poems on different stuff!.!.!.like situations or emotions!. i dont know who would want a poem about kittens!.!.lol!.!.!.but it is goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

awww really cute! I love cats my grandma & grandpa have 3 cats and my grandma rescued all of them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ITS SO ADORABLE !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like PlagiarismWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow its sooooo good!. i can imagin the kitten :) so cute

glad you;re happy now :)
a kitten always helps lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is nice to know that my art inspires such cuteness!.!.!. goddess do I hate cats!.!.!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But something about miniature ones gets me!. Now I know why you were staring so intently at my drawing!

See ya SyWww@QuestionHome@Com

the poem is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds creepy it scares meWww@QuestionHome@Com


awww thats cute :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

cute poemWww@QuestionHome@Com



I don't know sounds wierdWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like all kinds of poetry!. That is a good one!. We can't keep doing the same things so thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com