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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think? comment please?

Question: What do you think!? comment please!?
My mother read me fairy
Tales, once upon a time,
She sat me on her knee
And sang to me in rhyme,

She told me of Cinderella
And how she went to the ball,
I know about snow white,
She’s the fairest of them all,

I often use to wonder
Just what I would do,
If I had a fairy god mother
To make a wish come true,

If I had that wish to day,
I ’d be on my mothers knee,
Listening to her stories
And have her sing to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a lovely poem!. displaying great childhood memories and love to your mother!. your mother would be very happy to receive a poem such as this from her son!.


L6 (And how she went to the ball), Needs to be revised as it makes the poem not flow smoothly!. everything else is spot on!.

take out 'And' definitely,
and leave it as that or try!.!.!.

who danced away at the ball or
Dancing away at the ball!.

my opinion only!.
Cheers : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it , thought it was really nice the way you used part of the nursery rhyme in your poem -- clever!

Now my opinion on this last part!

If I had that wish to day,
I ’d be on my mothers knee,
Listening to her stories
And have her sing to me!.

I felt that if the last line was

To make a wish come true,---
this would polish it-- I didn't feel those extra verses were necessary and kind of felt it left it hanging---My opinion--either way I still liked it ! Cheers !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not bad the ryhming is good and its just the right length though the ending is a tad weak

good jobWww@QuestionHome@Com