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Position:Home>Poetry> For all the poets out there...what time of day does the mental magik occur for y

Question: For all the poets out there!.!.!.what time of day does the mental magik occur for you!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm always seeing or experiencing something that serves as an inspiration, but I'm most mentally active in the late afternoon into the night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any time, I like to think I am a morning person but there are those who disagree!.!.!.
Anyhow, I seem to find inspiration mainly when I am answering a question or reading something on Yahoo! Answers, the website you are at right now! For example, I was answering a question about poem ideas, and I thought of a pond!.!.!. then my mind turned to a story about somebody making a picture with a pond in it, and things in the pond, like keys, jewelry, coins, etc!. That seemed like a nice idea!. Or just when somebody asks a question requesting a poem be written for them-- I oblige and it's usually a fun experience!.
It can happen (I know I say this at the risk of sounding cliche) anytime, and anywhere!. When you're reading a book or looking at something!.!. just open your eyes! :)! lol, that ending was cheesy!.
Oh, P!.S!., is your real name Annabelle Lee, or is that after somebody you know or something you just liked, or Edgar Allen Poe's poem!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

most of the times in the evenings or right as I'm dozing off at night, so I keep a tablet by my bed!. Sometimes they actually come in my sleep and I try to wake myself up and write them down, that doesn't work though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kind of like something of a ricocheted bullet!! Never know exactly when it will hit!! Funny question got a chuckle!!! Cheers !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

usually through-out the day at the worst possible times, though I usually put it too print in the late evening hours--I have written out my poetry at work thought as well usually after lunchWww@QuestionHome@Com

24/7, no reason it shouldn't!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Occasionally at stop lights, but I don't recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mental magik ha no time or it wouldn't be magikWww@QuestionHome@Com