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Position:Home>Poetry> Do any of you remember this trio...and do you think they might help us?

Question: Do any of you remember this trio!.!.!.and do you think they might help us!?
Gruff Billy Goats!

I staged an interview today,
Our infrastructure’s in sad array!.
A bridge, most crucial needs repair;
For many trolls are lurking there!.

It’s plain to see, it needs some steel!.
Rocks would add to the appeal…
And stabilize this massive span!.
Now, (at least) that is the plan!.

I interviewed for many an hour,
(Most applying were really dour!.)
Until…appearing on the scene…
Three Billy Goats, all garbed in green!

Their answers quick, precise and smart,
They took this tedious task to heart!
They promise to be finished soon…
Then send those lurking…to the moon!

So, they were hired on the spot!
I must declare that I have not…
In many years perceived their like…
And so, I know, we’ll rest tonight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 3 Bridges (Lloyd, Jeff and Beau) send the 3 Gruffs their best regards!. The 3 Stooges on the hand are still wiping cream pie off their faces so cannot be called upon to assist with any controll issues!.

This has been another Public Service Announcement in the interests of public safety!.

Goat bless you all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wonderful! LOL, I too have thought of our old school day
friends, "Billy goat Gruff!." when troll comes to mind!.
They must have took the story out of the primer many years
ago, Along with THe Little Red Hen!. Your poem is delightful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Loved it - I haven't been reminded of the Gruff brothers in a long time!. I loved their story - especially the nasty (T word) under the bridge - thank you ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very cute!. Skillfully written and load of fun to read!. I very much enjoyed this poem!. The Three Billy Goats Gruff was always a childhood favorite!. Thanks for the memories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad the Gruff Bros!. took the job, I was thinking of offering Gracie for indenture!.!.!.come to think of it I may anyway!.
A delightful way to start the day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do remember! Great writing and a great idea!
I do believe they deserve a bonus for all their efforts!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you, kind lady, I needed that this morning!. You have made my entire day look brighter already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh yes my favorite and my childrens too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com