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Position:Home>Poetry> At the end of the day do people prefer funny poetry to poncy stuff that only sno

Question: At the end of the day do people prefer funny poetry to poncy stuff that only snobs can understand!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My tastes range from Christina Rossetti, John Manley Hopkins, Robert Frost and R S Thomas to John Heggley, Rodger McGough and John Cooper Clarke

Yes, some stuff is difficult to understand, I rarely know what the hell the sodden old womaniser Dylan Thomas is saying in some of his poems, but I make the effort!. I enjoy light verse, nice and easy to understand without any effort that makes me chuckle but I can also thrill at the tightly constructed lines of R S Thomas, the spirituality of Rossetti, or Manley Hopkins!. I'm certainly no snob just because I enjoy a beautifully constructed set or rhymes, rhythms and imagery!.
I think Tennyson drags on in far too many of his poems, I am not that bothered by Wordsworth or Byron, but while they are not to my taste, I can admit they are great poets!.
The who;e of poetry is ther for enjoyment, the easy and the hard, the happy and sad, the dark and the light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The wording of your question would seem to indicate your own preference!. Are you looking for people to agree with you or is this a balanced question!? perhaps if so the phrase "poncy stuff that only snobs can understand" be changed to "more classical styles" (of poetry)!. You might then receive answers to your question that aren't just pandering to your own viewpoint!.

In answer, I like both funny and classical (serious) poetry as both genres have equal merit artistically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good writing is largely about picking your audience and writing to their level!.

If your audience is a room full of English professors you need the "poncy" stuff!. If they are ordinary people you are better off using everyday language and humor is definitely a useful tool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intelligent appreciation of poetry is really nothing to do with snobbery (most snobs wouldn't have a clue)!. You might enjoy the poncy stuff if you gave it a go!. Funny is good but a bit limited once you've got the joke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is the art of writing down beautiful thoughts in beautiful language!.
Amusing rhymes have a place but they ain't poetry!.
'He's a Champagne poet
that Moet
& Chandon!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which people!?

Some poetry works better in a pub, some poetry works better in an arts revue or a literary recitation!. Some works better when performed, some works better when read!. etc!. etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Really!
I adore "Poncy" Stuff,Even When I Don't Understand It!.
But Then I Like A Good Laugh,also!

Sources: I Ain't No Snob Neiver! I'm A London Girl I Am!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure some people do!.!. everyone's different!.

also, you assume that snobs are more able to understand things!.!.!. This isn't true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It does`nt make sense to me either, if it rhymes it`s poetry, if not, its a load of pretentious tosh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com