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Position:Home>Poetry> How do u like my poem? 14 years old?

Question: How do u like my poem!? 14 years old!?
i am destiny

i sing these words to you now,

because the point of light grows smaller,

ever smaller now,

ever distant now!.

And with this song, i pray i may

push back the tides of war and death!.

so, i sing these words

that this light, this tiny

ray of light and hope may live on!.

i dare not hope that i

may live on too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it!. It's amazing for someone of your age!. You're good!. You should consider a career and write some more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I googled it and there were no matches so I guess its original, the fact that people think it is plagiarised is itself an indication of its quality!.

For a 14 year old it is brilliant but a few beers a few one night stands, where you think it is love,, losing a close friend and you will find life is not like that!.

But though I find the sentiments immature the structure and use of words is extremely good!.

Can we have the occasional happy poem!. or funny one please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's really good!. I used to write poetry when I was a teenager also!. Keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow that was great!!! you should definently follow up on thet!.!.!.!.tell me when you publish your first poem id love to buy a copyWww@QuestionHome@Com

dude this isnt ursWww@QuestionHome@Com

you did a good job :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Tottaly lurved it!


Its awesome you should post more!Www@QuestionHome@Com