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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of my poem... Have you ever felt like this?

Question: What do you think of my poem!.!.!. Have you ever felt like this!?
Life; to me, in general, it's just always seemed hopeless!.
My dream is for a society that's Utopian!.
It seems like it's a thing that too many people oppose!.
Money!.!.!. mostly power are the roots of that, I suppose

So, I feel like dying often!.
Going shopping for nice coffins!.

The world; it just makes me sad
Hell!.!.!. it makes me so mad!.
Cares and personalities had!.

Hoping that people would focus more on the big picture!.
I sort of try to get myself killed in different ways;
Gasping for breath are my deadly Free Speach scriptures
Having annoyed feelings almost every day!.

I just get annoyed at how hopeless it all seems;
Just living, day to day, by any and all means!.
It's hard to count all of the ways that I'm hurting!.
Hating that nobody seems to care; I'm a burden!.

People hate my free speach, on certain subjects!.
Things which shouldn't be any of people's business!.!.!.
Judged all day, from a distance, but people hardly listen!.
Making me hate them & myself even more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is really impressive!.!.!.

I feel like that a lot!.

The helplessness towards the wrong doings in the world, and the annoyance at the neverending!.!.!. wow!.!.!. It's beautifully written!.!.!.!. Congratulations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is depressing how the world at times is filled with greed and turmoil, but sometimes you need to find the beauty within the world such as love and kindness!. There's not much of it, but a little goes a long way!.

Great poem, covered topic well!. Keep up the good work!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like that a lot, unfortunately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com