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Position:Home>Poetry> I wish that ?

Question: I wish that !?
that i could write
a poem
that would touch
each an every soul
sad as it may sem
that is my goal!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Today your wish has been granted, for all who have read, your work, have indeed been touched !!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem looks good
I think what you are saying
is to be able to write one
that you like!.
What you need to do is to concentrate
ask yourself what are your favorite things
to write about!.
Poem can or don't have to rhyme
this is the writer's decision
not for people to dictate
Ask for help
The site I am giving you
it would give you some tips on writing a poem
after finish writing check for mistakes and
the site below should help you with thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Before you do that I would recommend spell checking your work :)

One of the biggest turn-offs for readers is work that has not been proof read for errors!. If you use MS Word it will do it automatically for you!. If you don't there are several programs out there you can download!.Www@QuestionHome@Com