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Position:Home>Poetry> Kinda gruesome but not really, but tell me what you HONESTLY think of my poem?

Question: Kinda gruesome but not really, but tell me what you HONESTLY think of my poem!?
I want to kill you so fast then when your blood spills it will still be blue!.
I want you to feel the pain you caused me, I want to hate you!.
I want to take a knife and stab you in the chest so you can see how it feels to have a broken heart!.
I want to tear your whole life apart!.
I want to put a poison in your drink,
so that when you get sick you'll see how you make my stomach sink!.
I want to take and break both of your arms,
because I know that they will bring you nothing but harm!.
I want to make you feel suffering and pain!.
I want you to go insane, and hopefully your blood wont leave a stain!.
I want you to die a very slow and painful death,
and picture me laughing when you take your last breath!.
I'm putting all rememberence of you out of my mind!.
I want to leave you and my past behind!.

no i did not do any of these things, i just wrote it to a guy that completely screwed me over, and i want to know your honeset opinions on it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is creative but not a masterpiece of English usage!. I also think it is a way to vent personal frustrations!. It could be satisfying and healthy to write a letter or poem in this case!. I think either your brave to share this or getting more satisfaction from the replies!. Either way I do not share my writings!. I keep them safe and two or three weeks later I read them again!. Sometimes surprised at the depth of feeling I poured into them!. All the time I destroy them realizing the harm it could actually do to the intended audience!. I still feel better but what I do now is paint my pain with abstracts that represent my feelings at the time!. Back to the reason you wrote this!. This guy must have done something more then just dumped you!. Move on and learn from this!. You can learn something from everyone!. Even what not to do!. But the better person will employ those things learned to make positive changes in their life!. I do like it!. Blue blood we should witness from the swiftness of your demise!. We all hope, I am sure, that no harm has come to you!. However, you should hope no harm finds this guy!. Never put in email anything that you cant or would rather not live with the rest of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com