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Question: Relying on Terror Poem Part Deux!?
Relying On Terror ( The Second Tick)
By Semper Fi Reborn

We want Bin Laden!
How did we get the other guy!?
Killed him and his sons,
Over a lie!
Yeah, a lie!
Hang 'em high!
Who's watching the oil!?
Let's link Saddam to terror,
Let's steal the oil!
They'll forget Bin Laden,
And he'll go away!.
But for folks like me,
That'll be the day!
I'll fight for this land,
But I'll fight the right man,
He's about 6'5",
Caved in Afghanistan!.
A kidney pump is secured to this fiend,
And still he can't be seen!?

Yet every election
He sends a new tape!.
They know where he is,
They're just playing us fake,
Like we're fools,
Like we're dolts,
Like we're daft,
Like we're dumb!.
So this November,
Let's unemploy all these BUMS!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've said it from the beginning, give me 6 rednecks with deer rifles and 2, 4 wheel drive trucks, and transportation, and we'll bring bin ladens head back in a garbage bag, And the rest of him we'll leave with a taxidermist, so all can see his head is gone!. Just don't hamper us with political rules like our military has to put up with!. We don't mind spotlightin him in the dark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The poem itself is again wonderful!. As for the message, I fear you are right; we have been treated shamefully these past seven years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok you need to watch what you put on the internet or you might get yourself in serious trouble just a warning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com