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Question: Relying On Terror poem!?
Relying On Terror (The First Tick)
By Semper Fi Reborn

Let us remember Tuesday,
September 11, 2001!.
All those who went to work,
And never came home!.
How those who came home
Would never be the same!.
How we have a different view
Of airports and airplanes!.
September 10th we could fly
Without giving it a thought!.
But the next day, Tuesday,
Freedom would be lost!.
Let freedom ring! Let freedom rise!
The price paid in blood,
Each time someone dies,
For the red, white, and blue!.
For the stars and the stripes!.
For the lives that were lost,
For the tears shed that night!.
Over three thousand families,
Waited by the phone,
Just to hear that mom or dad,
Can't come home!.

Now a sad memory,
An American Tragedy,
Exploited for gain!
An American Travesty!
You embarrass me,
That you'd embellish on the souls,
Of those who died young,
Of those that died old!.
You hypocritical liars,
Government mask wearers!
How dare you try to rise,
By relying on terror!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This poem sounds as if TD had written it!. This is the highest compliment I can pay anyone on Mars!. I am in awe of the structure, content, and vocabulary of this poem!. It shows what a person can do when he feels deeply about a situation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!. !. !. that was AWESOME! Thanks for sharing this and giving me a chance to read it! it shows true loyalty to the Red White and Blue, and true disgust at those that would try(and do) and manipulate it from the inside(along with the out side)
I couldn't put this poem on a rating scale because in my opinion it would be off the chart!!
kinda like this 1,000,000,000/100!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the most intensely emotionally beautiful poem I have ever read!. It has great message, and it'll stay in my heart and in the heart's of others forever!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bravo! No others words from me are needed!.
Just another question, what is the definition of a traitor and
a trader!.

Jefferson, "Merchants have no country!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought that was a great satirical and yet serious poem; you should contribute it to a remberance or political criticism site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you, Semper, for targeting it so well!.


This is very intense! I still get tears in my eyes when I think back to that horrible, horrible day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I thought of writing this as a rhyming poem, but I like the impact better this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com