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Question: Check out my free verse!?
Forever Beach

An old man looks across the horizon of what seems to be forever long gazing at bright colors of orange, pink, and yellow!.
Walking down steps of sand and onto a beach that goes on forever the waves are like souls that forever flow and crash!.
Gazing into the water at what appears to be a starfish it clings to the sand as if it knows nothing else!.
A little fish narrowly escapes the catch of a hook
a fisher bluntly curses under his breath at the loss!.
A woman sits on a cooler enjoying the day
suddenly her hat falls and flows with the wind
it tumbles down the beach and she follows!.
Puppies smell the salty air and yelp with excitement the idea of running freely along the beach!. Children building giant sand castles all day long fighting away the waves that bring them tumbling down!. Lovers spelling their names in the sand their names being washed away by the sea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's cute the way you added the descriptive details!. I love the beach!. I go a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds rich of forever pictures, pretty decent :)Www@QuestionHome@Com