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Position:Home>Poetry> Your opinions appreciated--Smile?

Question: Your opinions appreciated--Smile!?
Service with a Smile

Service with a smile
No need to pursue
Just a little grin
Give a little chuckle
Warn up the pen
Write out the grievances

Stamp the stark paper
Bright crimson red
File it away till next time
They may want to- you
To pull it out

Straighten up the stance
Maintain a pretty portrait
Gloom in the skies
Water fountains off
The pennies lay rusted

Service with a smile
Mute the commentator
No one wants to listen
To much interference
Save the words for later
When no one is around

The substance stings
Eyes begin to moisten
Turn off the leaking faucet
Lay down the tattered towel
Everything feels familiar

Service with a smile
Maintain a constant temperature
The mirrored picture
Speaks a thousands words
A heavy heart
Needs rearrangement

The blanket floats
To the hardened bed
Hide the stains
That makes it imperfect
No one will even noticeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm not sure why so many found it a bit vague!. It's all there written clear as daisies, except the daises are no longer yellow but Grey!. A good thing about poetry is that you can release the emotions from within, than to bottle it all up inside!. There is no need to hide your face, nor tears in front of people as we are all humans, we all have good times and bad times, some more than others!. We all share emotions, so I say release it to the world!. Otherwise you will begin to loose yourself in depression!. It's a lot easier to get to depression, than it is getting out!.

All and All!. I thought it expressed your emotions well, even though the in depth part was splashed with red , black and Grey!. Your poetry it self was displayed with vibrant colours of yellow, green,orange and mauve!. So great work and keep up the good work!.

WELL DONE : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a run on, needs a little more for me to grasp the imagery, but I still managed to understand it, and well feel a Lil saddened =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is not a complete sentence in it!. So Its more like prose, not really poetry!. The imagery is nice, but it doesn't make much sense to me!. I'd like more grammar in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the best thing on the board right now!. Not perfect, but very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com