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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem...dealing with death....?

Question: A poem!.!.!.dealing with death!.!.!.!.!?
i wrote this a while back!.!.!.!.in memory of Rachael

I knew you were hurting although you wouldnt cry,
And could see you were suffering, see the pain in your eye
I wanted to comfort you, to hold you, be with you that day,
You looked so helpless and frail while in bed you did lay!.

I watched as you shivered from a new pain,
And wondered how I might have handled the same!.
I wanted to scream, to shout, and to yell,
You said you were fine although your skin was so pale!.

I knew in my heart your time was near end,
And wished I could take you, your body to mend!.
I knew that soon God would be your closest friend,
You told me many times that's how it would end!.

I stood there watching as each breath came slow,
And fought to find courage my emotions were low!.
I promised you when the time came that Id not cry,
You never saw my eyes wet, always they were dry!.

I held your hand as I silently said goodbye,
And knew in my heart that soon you would die!.
I stroked your forehead and said how I loved you,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That was so sweet and touching!. You had excellent emotion and love in it!. You gave the read the feelings you felt!. You made it seem so real!. I have to say Excellent job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com