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Position:Home>Poetry> What is the opposite of writer's block?

Question: What is the opposite of writer's block!?
No block to writing, the words flooding through my head faster than I can write them down!.
The problem!? I don't feel like writing, I feel like laying down in a cold, quiet, dark room with a bottle of Imitrex and let my mind go blank!. The light hurts, sound hurts, thought hurts, breathing hurts!. I don't want the words in my head!. God, I hate migraine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Poor Man!.!.!.I feel you like you wouldn't believe!. I get migraines too!. I don't know how you are at the computer!. My boys get them as well!. Mine almost always begin with a strobe in my left eye which lets me know that I am in for a killer!. I get so sick with a full blown migraine!. You need to put the words to rest and find some place dark and quite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I was going to say "verbal diarrhea", but while colorful, it doesn't really do the state you're in justice!.

I'm bipolar - I get these episodes a couple times a month!. I guess it's called a mixed episode - your mind is manic, but your body is depressed!.

It blows!.

You ever close your eyes and see yourself flying over hills, through forests, through clouds of colors and shapes and everything is moving so fast yet so slow and no matter how fast you fly you can't manage to get off the bed!?

That's the more common state for me!. My girl doesn't understand why I get so lost in computers and music and writing and electronics and all that and have such a hard time going to sleep or talking or even acknowledging the existence of other people around me!.

Sometimes anything is better than not being able to get away from the running, running, running!.!.!.

Wow, hey personal stuff alert, huh!? Sorry, not trying to vent or rant!. I feel for you, I hope you can understand that I've been there!.

The only thing that has ever helped was to focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else - a spot five feet in front of my feet when walking, for instance, or getting so lost in music or playing guitar or a book that I can't feel anything else!.

I wish you the best of luck, and the swiftest of recoveries!.


My migraine attacks went away after the menopause!.!.!.!.pity, this isn't going to help you!.

You have my heart-felt sympathy!. I used to sometimes shake my head violently from side to side!.!.!.!.just for an instant the pain would go!.!.!.!.but, god did I suffer immediately afterwards!.
(Crying used to ease my pain sometimes)
My old mum would come in and out with cold clothes to put on my head!.!.!.!.didn't help, but I used to say it did!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dondi, when I have the same problem, I use a hand-held micro recorder!. Then, when the headache goes away, I listen to myself and if I like what I hear, I write it down!. The recorder holds what I need and then, maybe, I can sleep for a few hours!. Try Relpack for those migraines, it works better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont have migraines but I know the feeling!.!.Sometimes i lay there in bed at night!.!. turn the light on and write what i am feeling at that time!.!. Shut my eyes and think of some thing else to write!.!.Words just seem to flood your brain faster than you can write them down!.!. You wonder hell am i going crazy!? It just wont stop!.!. the words!.!. i wish i had a tape recorder hooked up to my brain to keep those words from disappearing!.!. Yes i know!.!.all about that!.!. Dang i thought i was the only one with this problem!.!. Sometimes i am semi conc!.!. and wake myself up typing words!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writer's dyharia!?

Have you tried just writing all the words in your head onto paper!. Don't try and make them into something that's worth reading, just write until it calms somewhat and you can ignore it for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

perhaps Expressive emergence/immersion with physical de-location!.

I am sorry your pain is enveloping you mate!. I wish you peace soon brother!. rest and breathe and follow the above answerers!.

Maybe you need to see your opthalmic surgeon againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Waterfall of words!? And in your case it is a pounding waterfall!. Try concentrating on your breathing , if you can concentrate at all with a migraine!. It helps me cope when I have racing thoughts!. I do hope you feel better very soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

(((Dondi))) I'm so sorry you have a migraine!. I know they are horrid!. I hope it leaves in a flash!. Feel better!. Try to let the words go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cold, dark room, ice pack, imitrex, wet cloth over your eyes and ignore any words in your head!. I'm so sorry you have to suffer through migraines!. Please feel better soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Retching words!.Hope the mygraine goes quickly!.Soft music, dark room, cool compress, right medication and sleep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know exactly how you feel, i get those too, it seems half my life is spent with a headache!.!.!. just got rid of one thats been torturing me for the past 3 days!.!.hope you feel good soon!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The opposite is not mirgraine
that is for sure! They are
torture, two grandchildren
suffer with them at intervals!.
Hope all pain passes soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writers block huh!?!. !. !.I would call it writers flood!! A migraine huh!? that's terrible, my brother had one once(only one time) and he could barley move it was so bad, so I hope yours gets better FAST!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speaker's freedomWww@QuestionHome@Com

writers vomit comes to mindWww@QuestionHome@Com

Get well soon and let your writing flow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Diarrhea of the pen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this is called a writer's dam!.!.!.something like that!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

writer's unblock!
i hope ur head gets better :]Www@QuestionHome@Com