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Position:Home>Poetry> Thoughts on my ramblings?

Question: Thoughts on my ramblings!?
ahead of my shadow or farther behind
a trick of the twilight
or a slight of the mind
how far have i traveled
how much longer to go
will the angels greet me
or cast me below
these things i must know
all of my silver
all of my gold
for a simple answer
and a fate foretoldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
short and sweet and descriptive, unlike this last thing i just read!
i think that youre trying to say that youre confused!.!.disoriented by time and setting because youre waiting to die!?

a fate that is foretold for everyone!.!.thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like!. ^^

You've a talent for rhyming!.!.!. I envy that!.

the rhythm is thrown off at the line "these things I must know" I falter reading it, but everything else is so smooth!. I think it's because 'know" rhymes with "below," so it throws off the rhyme scheme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pretty good!. It sounds like a lot of things Ive heard combined though!.!.!.But I guess every poet does that to an extent!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com