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Question: Group Poetry!?
I'll start the poem and you add to it!. May be fun!. Here go's!!!

Thunder struck in a moments time
Fires Blazed from the lightning’s eye
California Burns
Acrid smoke fills your head
Miles grey cornfields dead
For a time some people cry
Yet others just walk by
California Burns
Place their pride in pocket
let the TV numb
sitting in a silent dumb
While California BurnsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While California Burns,
Concrete rivers too low to pass,
Paved flat its history,
Top-coated with gas,
But please let us not ignore,
The flame of sunshine,
And the shining blue shore,
Which breathes away the smoking flames,
And with the ebb comes back for more,
For California is a state,
Of mind and dreams you cannot wake,
It burns the flames within my heart,
And dares me to come closer,
To the flame from which I start!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com