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Position:Home>Poetry> Meaning of The Perfect Friend [poem] by Shannen Wrass?

Question: Meaning of The Perfect Friend [poem] by Shannen Wrass!?
Please read the poem below (:
I'm supposed to analyze this poem for school, but I dont really get it!.!.!. why does the poet say in the end that "this perfect friend I found was nothing but a mirror"!?
And the use of the word NOTHING BUT seems to me that the perfect friend wasn't!.!.!. very important or something like that!. Why!?


Today I found a friend
who knew everything I felt
she knew my weakness
and the problems I've been dealt!.

She understood my wonders
and listened to my dreams,
she listened to how I felt about life and love
and knew what it all means!.

Not once did she interrupt me
or tell me I was wrong
she understood what I was going through
and promised she'd stay long!.

I reached out to this friend,
to show her that I care
to pull her close and let her know
how much I need her there!.

I went to hold her hand
to pull her a bit nearer
and I realized this perfect friend I found
was nothing but a mirror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This means that it was herselff,
Shes basically saying that no one could help her with her problems EXCEPT herselff,
and that no one else really understood herr!.
i likeee ittt!.
Hopee i helpedd hun =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its about herself!. She is looking at her reflection and she now understands that the best person to be acquainted with is yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com